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MK 2g Omni, matte gray, flat frequency response, near field
MK 2Hg Omni, matte gray, mild high frequency emphasis only above 6 kHz, for medium distances
MK 2Sg Omni, matte gray, slight high frequency emphasis for universal use
MK 2XSg Omni, matte gray, significant high frequency emphasis, diffuse sound field *Formally MK 3g
MK 41g Supercardioid, matte gray, very directional with smooth off axis response
MK 41Vg Supercardioid, side-address, matte gray, very directional with smooth off axis response
MK 4g Cardioid, matte gray, classic unidirectional pattern for universal use
MK 4XPg Cardioid, matte gray, with strong attenuation of proximity effect, *Formally MK 4Sg
MK 4Vg Cardioid, side-address, matte gray, slight high frequency emphasis
MK 4VXPg Cardioid, side-address, matte gray, with strong attenuation of proximity effect, *Formally
MK 5g Switchable Cardioid/Omni, matte gray, slight HF emphasis
MK 8g Bi-directional [figure-8], side-address, matte gray, polar pattern nearly identical at all fre
Sennheiser MD431 Handheld Supercardioid Dynamic Microphone
Sennheiser MD46 Classic Dynamic Microphone
Sennheiser MKH 8060 Shotgun Microphone
Sennheiser MKH 8070 Long Shotgun Microphone
Schoeps V4 U Studio Vocal Microphone
DPA 2006A Reference Standard Twin Diaphragm Omnidirectional
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